Friday, 28 September 2012

A New Direction

I like to think of myself as a large wad of Play-Doh, able to be moulded with ease to adapt to uncomfortable social situations and exacting yoga positions. Aptly, I also consider myself able to adapt to the suggestions of others as to how the whole Terror Bites venture is panning out. So in this post I'm going to outline a few things that will happening on this blog in the future...

1. Shorter Reviews
I'm reasonably verbose - if there's something I want to say, I'll generally manage to get it out somehow. However, I appreciate that people don't really have much time to read my musings, and after a couple of people have reacted in a mildly shocked fashion after noting how much content goes into each review, I've realised that I may need to lock it up a bit. So I'll be keeping it more brief for here on in.

2. More Consistent Uploads
While I'll try to watch two horror films each week, you may have noted that my uploads are quite inconsistent. Now, this is not my fault (yeah, I'm passing off the blame... can you blame me?). The other contributors to my blog (including DJ Cheeky Wingz, Albert von Hammerschmidt OBE, Esteban, Bevan from Paul's and Susan) are all real people (obviously under false names of their own choosing), and I'm often waiting on them a week after watching a film to send me their paragraph which I then piece into the review. I've decided now to a) remove this reliance by watching more films by myself (I'll be taking one for the team and trying to not be too damn terrified) and b) skirt around this issue by - if I'm waiting for another contributor's input - posting about other horror related news.

3. Branching Out
As I mentioned above, I will be trying to keep my readers up to date with things outside of the films that I choose to watch. This will include heads up for upcoming films that look worthy of your attention, links to articles on other sites if they might be of interest and other cool horror related stuff I find online.

So, thanks for sticking with me in the last number of months as I iron the kinks out of my blogging style, and I hope you can continue to enjoy Terror Bites.

Yours in looseness,
Callie Babe

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